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The Gold Mind

Happy Monday. I had this idea over the weekend that struck me like lightening and it’s called ”The Gold Mind!”

I know you’re probably wondering what does that even mean?

Well for me and hopefully others, it’s recognition and acceptance of my own independence.

I was lost for so long because I didn’t know in which direction I was supposed to go, never knew what it looked like; passion to push passed the pain until I decided to ask GOD for help and this time, listen to the message. You see my heart had to finally come to the end of a 20 year fall, hit rock bottom, say ouch I don’t like it down here anymore and do something so radical and different that it kept me in an uncomfortable state of mind for the last three years just to get to today.

For three years as I slowly shed my old life and picked the right one, I went through some of the hardest lessons I’ve ever known. My friends and family weren’t sure how I was going to do it, heck I wondered that myself. Through hard work, long hours, lots of tears of uncertainty and my unrelenting dedication to myself and my goals, I broke the generational curse that had befallen on my head as a child and as an adult. I realized that I unintentionally passed a lot of my less desirable qualities on to my children even though I made a conscious decision not to. It seemed that understanding that this was a repeat of a piece of history that I fought so hard to keep them from meant the only way to truly break them from the same fate as me, I was going to have to show them better than I could ever tell them, that if they really want success in life they’re going to have to work really hard for it.

This is such an easy concept right? Unless you weren’t taught how to push past the euphoric stage of any new idea or goal. My mother unintentionally taught me how to NOT push through the halfway point which is such a critic lesson to learn as a child because you need the tools set in place to be a successful adult.

Well, she did the best she could and I love her and I’m so thankful that she was who she was because I couldn’t be more proud and happy to be her daughter.

I know she’s smiling down on me, I can feel it.

I’m at the point in my life where I’m so giddy with excitement for “tomorrow “ that I have to be careful not to overwhelm the people around me with my mouth, lol.

I just want you to know that if you’re reading this and you’ve felt lost in a loop living a life that doesn’t seem to quite fit, then it’s time for some personal re-evaluating on what YOU want.

You can change the outcome of your future if change is something your truly desire and I can and will help you.

I’ll be doing a live webinar this Thursday @ 6pm. Check here for details to the link, don’t forget your pen and paper, leave your ego at the door and let’s chat.

I look forward to seeing you and hopefully working with you.



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