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I used to refer to myself as “A Jade of all trades but the master on none.” Yup, that was me in a nutshell and I don’t do it little, I do it big. I went to school for certificates in Culinary and Fitness and I still ended up choosing something completely different. I think some of the craziest truths come out of the straightest lies. What do I mean by that? So glad you asked.

I love cooking and baking but that was my mother’s dream for me, not mine. She saw that I liked baking and she liked eating so it was a win win for us both, but I knew deep down that I really didn’t want to do it despite the fact that I was good at it. When she died, the passion for culinary world died with her. I didn’t pick up a baking pan or cookie sheet for years unless it was for my kids.

I focused my attention on fitness since that was something that I liked to do. Again, I was very good at helping people lose weight, I changed their diet and their lives but something was still missing. I often questioned myself as to why I didn’t push harder if this was something that I wanted. I had to finally accept the reality that it wasn’t what I wanted to do. I knew I wanted to help people and I thought by going into these two fields that I could help them. What I thought was the truth (my choice in careers) had always been a lie because I was too afraid to hope that someone like me could have anything more than a struggle.

I realized that if I was going to reach people the way I wanted to, I was going to have to repair myself first and then teach them how I did it.

I realized that I had been a lifestyle coach for years, giving people advice of ways for them to better themselves all the while being emotionally drained and stuck. I realized that it took no effort to pull myself away from my own problems to help others. This was the only thing that made me feel good but I didn’t understand that this was my purpose.

Deep down in side I was feeling hurt, guilty, and resentful to the world for my short comings. I knew I was afraid but I didn’t know why so I stayed away from anything that brought on this emotion. I didn’t understand that life is a game and your goals are the football. But I could feel something within me pick my ass up every time I fell. It felt like the real me stepped out of my body to pick me up and say ”Get up off this field, you’re stronger than this, protect yourself and run until to reach the end game.“

My inner self, had always been stepping out into the light to pick my weary body up and remind me that I don’t have what it takes to quit. I’d get up, dust myself off, until the next time when I was faced with another life obstacle, the cycle repeated itself over and over. this was my life as a procrastinator.

My daughter and I were having a conversation and she asked me what success have I gotten from this journey and how is my journey going to help others?

Well, I had to think long and hard before I answered it because I needed to give the perfect answer.

I base my success on life, not loot. Earl Nightingale was the author of the book called ”The Strangest Secret.” In his teachings he explained the way people should be looking at life and not being submissive to what others think is life. Being a success isn’t about the money that you can make, it’s about what you do with your life. Who you are has value and worth and we has human beings are all worth it. The higher power instilled in us qualities that we could never buy and it’s up to us to feed and nurture those values and ideals so that we can learn the lessons in life to bring us abundance. You just have to believe that you deserve it. Whatever you want you can have it, if you believe in it enough, want it badly to the point where you can’t sleep, eat or think about anything else except that project or goal.

The first time I heard the recorded version of the strangest secret on YouTube, I didn’t get it. In my mind, I was trying to get my business off the ground and doing a million different things at the same time so the last thing I wanted to hear was that success wasn’t about money.

About a year later, still stuck in the exact same situation, I listened to the strangest secret for the second time. This time, because I had been practicing my skills that I developed for myself, I was able to listen and hear (heart hear) the message and it blew my mind. It took me an entire year of nonstop struggling, stress and sickness to FINALLY understand that I had been a success the whole time because I was doing what I loved to do and I stuck with it. No matter how hard life got, I stood up for myself and my dream, I guarded it like a mother protecting her young, hell, I’d give my life for it, which I did. I had to shed the old me, the doubts, the pain and yes even my favorite, good ol self sabotage. I had to say bye to her so that the new me could finally come out into the light and stay for good.

I am successful because I’m no longer afraid of what’s on the other side of life, past the mid way point. I learned how to take back control of my mind so that I can do what I want and not let what fear whispers stop me. My thoughts along with my actions are my own, opinions no longer carry any weight and when I look in the mirror, I see a queen warrior looking back. Do you know how significant it is to have self confidence?

All those chaotic thoughts that kept me bound are no longer an issue, there’s no more negative bantering about anything. It took a lot of really scary near the edge of the cliff lessons before I understood that fear is always going to be there and though you’ll feel it when things get hard, you have the choice to walk right through it or stay in the same spot and not face it. I choose to face it every single time no matter how many times I want to throw up, lol.

I’m successful because I love what I do, I love who I am and I’m filled with passion, creativity, and joy every single day of my life. I complete whatever I set my mind to in record time and I’m seeing the benefits of all my hard work, dedication and sacrifice. I have no more excuses to not live the way I’ve wanted to and I gave up the I can’t, replaced it with I CAN and it changed my life.

You only have one life to live so don’t wait 25 years like me to finally get it right. If you see that your procrastinating is something that’s keeping you back and you’re tired of repeating the same lessons in life standing in the same spot, then let me push you with purpose. Call/email/DM me today to schedule your FREE consultation.

It’s not easy to change but if you want to be happy in your life, then it’s time to start shedding those negative bad habits to make space for the new you. I will change your life!



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