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Lifestyle coach for Procrastinators

It’s taken me so long to finally know who I am and what my life is supposed to mean. I spent 25 years of feeling emotionally and financially stuck all because I didn’t know how to fight for what I wanted. My mother was a wonderful woman and she taught my many things in life, one of those lessons on top of all the great ones was how to be procrastinator. I was the queen of excuses and victimness. It was always someone else’s fault as to why I couldn’t do better.

As long as I could remember, my mother always moved from hotel to hotel. When I was seven, she moved to Arizona to go back to school to get a degree in Liberal Arts.

I never knew what happened to her dream but a 9 to 5 never fit into her schedule, so she often tried going into business for herself. She’d drag my sister and I to the flea market to sell plants and herbs. For a while it did the job, until it didn’t. Next thing I know, she’s packing us up and we’re moving to a new location where she’d start all over again.

This repeated way of thinking kept her in what I like to call “A procrastinator’s short term goal.”

She’d go to a new city with new hopes of making it big with some multi level marketing business, feeding my sister and I hope of a better tomorrow that never came.

After a while, I stopped believing in hope and in the life that I wanted for myself.

I didn’t have the tools in place to prepare me for path ahead, instead I took on the only one I knew, my mothers. I made a promise to myself that when I started having children, I would stay in one place, not move and give my kids what I wanted growing up, a sense of belonging. But I didn’t know what to do after I made that happened, so I continued to survive each day. I knew how to do that because we were raised in it but it never felt right and I constantly struggled with myself because I couldn’t understand why I was so trapped and why everything I put my hands on, got taken away? Again, me not taking accountability.

Here I am, at 47 years old, just now learning how to live. I had to endure some of the most painful life lessons to reach this point because I didn’t have anyone to show me how I could have a different life if I chose to.

In order for me to break the generational curse of procrastinating I had to be prepared to get uncomfortable and I mean, feel naked in the center of times square uncomforatble.

I made some really big mistakes along this journey that almost had us homeless, not once but twice but because it wasn’t my destiny to continue to walk in the same shoes on a path didn’t belong to me, I had to let go of what was familiar (though toxic) to be shown my path. It wasn’t an easy journey and it’s not for the weak at heart but I’ve always been a strong individual, I just never knew it.

My mother used to have asthma, but since we moved around the hot states, she never had an attack until we moved to New York City. I was so scared because she couldn’t breathe that I ran up the block to my friend Monique‘s apt and begged her mother to give my mom a ride to the hospital. After that day, she taught me the art of Shiatzu, body reflexology and pressure points to help her with her attacks because we didn’t have the money for medicine. You can imagine how much pressure that was for a child which made state Medicaid a GODSEND.

What she wasn’t able to do, she leaned on me and that resulted in a very independent woman and very self sufficient in almost every way except the way I needed to be. I never realized that I needed her to say “No Carla, don’t quit high school because of me, or “Don’t let what other people say to you change how you move.” I needed her to support me on the things that mattered the most to me, not her.

What’s even crazier is I thought that I didn’t have the right to ask that of her because she’s my mother and she knows better than me.

My mother was a runner. When the dream required any kind of effort or work, she’d move on to the next one, then the next one.

But I‘m not a runner, I don’t think I ever have been, it was always half way through that I lost steam and thunder, I made it as far as she made it. She didn’t know that life required sacrifice of who you are in order to get what you want.

I wanted more for a long time. I craved something different, I just didn’t know how to get it, until I was really ready to listen. Now, three years later, I’ve found a sense of peace and happiness along with personal success that I never in a million years thought I’d find.

And what’s even better is all those life lessons that I wore around my neck like a stone have been transformed into diamonds that I wear proudly. I am a Queen Warrior who can show anyone who that‘s really, really, deep to the core ready; how to change their I can’t to I can. Procrastination is something that is learned which means you can be re-taught with a new set of skills found In my program and taught live online by me.

If I’ve peaked your interest just a little and you want to know how to unlock the key to your universe with my program then schedule your free call with me today and let’s chat. You give me a few minutes and I’ll change your world.



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