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How I stopped those Damn hotflashes!

How many females 40 and over have started that wonderful phase of life where those horrible bouts of hot flashes seem to wreak havoc over your body and mind?

I’m 47 years old, I feel like I’m too young to go through this but my body screams something different. As females, we all have to endure the inevitably of perimenopause and menopause and every experience will be different, but the symptoms won’t. Some women had no sweating, some have moderate sweating and then you have those that suffer with severe sweating. As many as 80% of women going through menopause experience hot flashes, that’s a lot of sweating. What’s even more of a nuisance is having to deal with clothing while you’re going through it.

I’m not sure about you, but I need to sleep naked with a fan and a blow-dryer because of how clammy and gross I feel when I wake up and my clothes are soaking wet. Then I’m freezing and need the heat from the dryer just to warm my body up, just to go through the experience all over again within an hour, so there’s no real sleep for me during this time.

Last year, I ended up in the hospital from weeks of severe sweating brought on by

perimenopause, I was also going through a very stressful time in my life so that increased my anxiety. I decided to share a few videos on my YouTube channel of my experience because I wanted women to understand that if they suffered in silence like I was, they’re not alone in the feelings behind having no control over your body, it can feel depressing and debilitating.

After 24 hours in the hospital, two CT scans, blood and urine tests, they couldn’t find anything wrong with me and had no answers for my condition. I was sweating so bad that I was losing a pound a day for a week before I ended up in the E.R. with severe dehydration and possible kidney failure. My veins were so parched that they had to wait a few hours after pumping fluids in my arm before they could draw any blood. They tried, believe me but the only thing they succeeded in was blowing a vein in my arm.

Once I got home, I went to the store to pick up ensures, Gatorade, pretzels, Lays plain potato chips, because the only thing the doctors could say to me was, “eat a lot of salt.” Do you know how hard that was for me to hear? But needless to say, he was right.

I picked up a gallon of water and added 1 TB of Himalayan Pink Salt in it and I spent the next day drinking it with the intent to mimic the contents of the IV, and it worked. Within a few days, my body started to return to normal, I could use the bathroom again because things started to run smoothly again, I was a happy camper until it happened again.

The time came around for another wonderful episode of “this is your menopausal reminder,” but I knew exactly what to do to minimize my sweating naturally. I will admit that the taste isn‘t that great but when my abdominals cramped up for no reason and my sky started to dry out I knew I had to no other choice if I didn’t want a repeat of last year. I was sweating profusely every fifteen minutes and feeling weaker with each hot flash so I said to myself, “Self better fill up that gallon and throw some salt in it and get to drinking,” that’s exactly what I did.

I’m not sure how many women suffer with severe hot flashes like me but if you ever do and it seems that you’re sweating more out than your able to keep in then try this remedy.

1TB Himalayan Pink Salt

1 Gallon of water

I drank my first gallon in a little over 24 hours and I noticed a difference in the frequency of bathroom breaks. Normally that‘s a no brainer when you drink an obscene amount of water but when you’re sweating uncontrollably, you’re losing more water than your able to keep in which was why we have excessive dryness, I feel like I had my face stretched and don’t get me started on how many more pet kisses I received, I must’ve tasted like salted meat.

Any hoo, drink it up and follow it with a regular gallon of water until you’ve completely stopped sweating. I hope this helps relieves some of the misery we have to go through as we age, at least we’re well seasoned. 😁

If you have a story or remendy that could help another reader, you’re more than welcome to share it here if you’d like and don’t be shy about questions, I love questions. Ok my Diva Queen Warriors, stay strong and remember that it’s never 2 late to re-create who you are.



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