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Do this and change your life

The time will always come in a person’s life where they may doubt their very existence, I know I did. But when you‘re truly ready for the answer to every question that you may have had, listen intently in the direction where you heart beats the loudest and with the most passion. Spend less time worrying about the opinions of others because they don’t matter, leave your ego at the door and learn something new everyday.

I was the queen of “kids go get me...” little things that I could’ve done for myself but I was being lazy. I didn’t realize at the time that I was in procrastination mode. This behavior became so secondary that I started doing it with everything. I’d come up with reasons why I didn’t need to complete a task, I’d go as far as to look for anything more fun to do in its place, just to keep from putting in the work.

When I think back on it, I can’t believe I wasted so much time living like that, no wonder I couldn’t think outside the box, half way up I’d just stop; not once being curios enough to push passed my comfortability not matter how miserable I was. It truly boggles the mind.

Well, I knew that if I wanted my life to change I was going to have to literally start from the ground up, that meant fixing the smaller everyday bad habits to help form good habits and believe me, it wasn’t easy.

I really wasn’t ready for how hard I had to work to make my brain get my lazy ass up and complete the easiest of things. I wear glasses for reading and when there was a task and I needed to complete, I had to wear my glasses and if you’re like me, you probably leave them everywhere. Well like I said in the beginning my favorite go to were the kids. “Can you bring me my glasses please?” But after a while I started asking myself “Now Carla, how badly do you want to be financially successful?”

When I asked the question, the answer would always be the same. “Badly enough to get my ass up and go get my glasses.”

And yes, at first I had those moments where after I received the answer, I’d sit for a minute, look up into the universe and silently curse the heavens as I got up to go get my glasses.

As time went on, some of my less desirable habits changed and I was just doing the tasks instead of thinking of reasons why I can’t. This new way of thinking became apart of my new life. So whenever I forget my glasses downstairs on the kitchen table and I know I need them, I just get up and go get them, no matter how tired I am. I still can’t believe that changing the smallest of my bad habits has resulted in a new way of thinking and living.

I can’t and won’t wait on anyone for things anymore, it’s counterproductive. I realized that I didn’t like being at the mercy of someone else, waiting when they felt like being helpful or supportive.

Wanting to change your life doesn’t come quick easily or painlessly. You have to be willing and prepared to hold yourself accountable for YOU, which a lot of people aren’t prepared to do because their ego has to be shattered.

I had to let go of always thinking I’m right to allow the lessons of humility to do it’s job.

I mean I had to go through a broken foot and being arrested before I got the message that I don’t know it all, to sit my behind down for life school and pay attention in class. Those two humbling experiences were the only ones I wanted to go through so I surrendered to what GOD was trying to tell me and live by the code, ”The teacher becomes the student.” That always reminds to slow down, take a step back so that I can see the message/lesson clearly. When you let go of your ego, you’ll find someone inside of you so much more fun and happier just waiting to burst out like sun rays through dark rain clouds.

The time will always come in a person’s life where they may doubt their very existence, I know I did. But when you‘re truly ready for the answer to every question that you may have had, listen intently in the direction where your heart beats the loudest and with the most passion. Spend less time worrying about the opinions of others because they don’t matter, leave your ego at the door, learn something new everyday about who you are and what you really want out of your life and remember to fall in love with yourself because no one can love you better than you.



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