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Who’s ready to lose 20 lbs?

Are you among the many who have decided that 2021 was going to be the year to get healthy? With Covid still uncontrollable, it's no wonder. People are starting to wake up to the endless possibilities of healthy living not just because of Covid but despite it. The government wants to stick poison in our body and call it a vaccine. A vaccine that hasn’t had nearly enough time to be properly tested and to be honest, I have no intention of being a lab rat.

I’ve made this tea with weight loss in mind, I had no clue that it would work on more than that.

My daughter uses it for cramps since she suffers from PSOC. Since she’s been drinking it, she hasn’t had severe menstrual cramping at all.

My sister drank it for her fractured ankle.

My niece drank it for a toothache. (Who knew?)

My son has acid reflux and is lactose intolerant, he drinks it to calm his stomach.

A friend hurt his ankle, drank the tea, and put my ginger poultice on it overnight and the next morning the swelling had gone down.

Included with this blog is my brochure of the benefits of each ingredient found in my tea. It’s all 100% natural with no additives or preservatives.

Now, what could make this tea an even better asset to a diet, adding it to my 17-day diet plan.

When I first tried out the diet plan I had no idea that I’d lose as much weight in such a short time, 20 lbs down by the end of my 17 days and I did it NOT by starving myself or working out for hours in the gym but by following the meal plan to the letter. I felt like I owed myself that much and it turned out to be the best decision of my life because it gave me a new way to live and it’s allowed me to help my clients shed their first 20lbs and teach them a better option to healthy dieting.

If you’re reading this then maybe you’re ready to start your weight loss journey and get healthy. With Covid being a horrible reality as it continues to take a toll on everyone’s day to day forcing us into social isolation and rethinking life, the one thing you can do for yourself is build up your immune system, lose weight and get healthy. Think about how fabulous you’ll feel about yourself with glowing skin, a thinner waistline, better sleep, better eating habits, and more enjoyment out of life.

Schedule your free phone consultation TODAY and let’s get you on the road to a better healthier life.



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